Astronomy Events for Mar 2025

  • 1
    The Moon at perigee  Remind MeThe Moon makes its monthly closest approach to the Earth, making it appear fractionally larger than at other times of the month.
    Conjunction of the Moon and Venus  Remind MeThe Moon and Venus share the same right ascension, at a separation of 6°23'.
  • 2
    Conjunction of Mercury and Neptune  Remind MeMercury and Neptune share the same right ascension, at a separation of 2°10'.
  • 3
    The Theta Carinae cluster is well placed  Remind MeThe Theta Carinae open star cluster (IC 2602, also known as the Southern Pleiades; mag 1.9) culminates at around midnight local time.
  • 4
    Mercury at perihelion  Remind MeMercury passes its orbit's closest point to the Sun.
  • 5
    Close approach of the Moon and M45  Remind MeThe Moon and M45 pass close to each other.
    Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter  Remind MeThe Moon and Jupiter pass close to each other.
    Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter  Remind MeThe Moon and Jupiter share the same right ascension, at a separation of 5°33'.
    Moon at First Quarter  Remind MeThe Moon reaches first quarter phase – appearing high in the sky at sunset and setting in the west at around midnight.
    Lunar occultation of Beta Tauri  Remind MeThe Moon will pass in front of Beta Tauri (Elnath), creating a lunar occultation visible from countries and territories including Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala amongst others.
  • 7
    Mercury at dichotomy  Remind MeMercury reaches half phase in the evening sky.
    Mercury at greatest elongation east  Remind MeMercury is bright and well placed in the evening sky.
  • 8
    Mercury at highest altitude in evening sky  Remind MeMercury is bright and well placed in the evening sky.
    The Wishing Well cluster is well placed  Remind MeThe Wishing Well open star cluster (NGC 3532; mag 3.0) in Carina culminates at around midnight local time.
    Conjunction of the Moon and Mars  Remind MeThe Moon and Mars share the same right ascension, at a separation of 1°40'.
    Close approach of the Moon and Mars  Remind MeThe Moon and Mars pass close to each other.
  • 9
    Conjunction of Venus and Mercury  Remind MeVenus and Mercury share the same right ascension, at a separation of 6°20'.
  • 12
    Saturn at solar conjunction  Remind MeSaturn is unobservable as it passes around the far side of the Sun – marking the end of one apparition and the beginning of the next.
    Asteroid 8 Flora at opposition  Remind MeAsteroid 8 Flora makes closest approach to the Earth.
  • 14
    Full Moon  Remind MeThe Moon reaches full phase and is visible for much of the night.
    Total lunar eclipse  Remind MeThere will be an eclipse of the Moon, visible from the Americas, Antarctica, Alaska, north-easternRussia and Africa.
    γ-Normid meteor shower 2025  Remind MeThe γ-Normid meteor shower reaches its peak.
  • 16
    Lunar occultation of Spica  Remind MeThe Moon will pass in front of Spica (Alpha Virginis), creating a lunar occultation visible from Africa, Australia, Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Antarctica and British Indian Ocean Territory.
  • 17
    The Moon at aphelion  Remind MeThe Moon recedes to its orbit's furthest point from the Sun, which happens each month around the time of full moon.
    The Moon at apogee  Remind MeThe Moon recedes to its orbit's furthest point from the Earth, making it appear fractionally smaller than at other times of the month.
  • 19
    Neptune at solar conjunction  Remind MeNeptune is unobservable as it passes around the far side of the Sun – marking the end of one apparition and the beginning of the next.
  • 20
    March equinox  Remind MeDay and night have equal length, marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere.
    Lunar occultation of Antares  Remind MeThe Moon will pass in front of Antares (Alpha Scorpii), creating a lunar occultation visible from countries and territories including Australia, Antarctica, New Zealand and Tasmania amongst others.
  • 22
    Moon at Last Quarter  Remind MeThe Moon reaches last quarter phase – rising in the east at around midnight and appearing high in the sky by sunrise.
    Venus at inferior solar conjunction  Remind MeVenus passes around the near side of the Sun.
  • 23
    Saturn ring plane crossing  Remind MeSaturn's seasons are changing, making its rings appear edge-on from the Earth.
  • 24
    Mercury at inferior solar conjunction  Remind MeMercury passes around the near side of the Sun.
  • 25
    Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner passes perihelion  Remind MeComet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner makes its closest approach to the Sun.
    1 Ceres at aphelion  Remind Me1 Ceres passes the furthest point along its orbit from the Sun.
  • 26
    The Moon at perihelion  Remind MeThe Moon passes its orbit's closest point to the Sun, which happens each month around the time of new moon.
  • 28
    Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn  Remind MeThe Moon and Saturn share the same right ascension, at a separation of 1°50'.
  • 29
    Partial solar eclipse  Remind MeThere will be an eclipse of the Sun,visible from the Americas, westernRussia, Europe and Africa.
    New Moon  Remind MeThe Moon disappears into the Sun's glare for a few days.
    The Moon at perigee  Remind MeThe Moon makes its monthly closest approach to the Earth, making it appear fractionally larger than at other times of the month.
  • 30
    136472 Makemake at opposition  Remind Me136472 Makemake lies in the opposite direction to the Sun in the sky, making it optimally positioned to be observable for much of the night.