
Dorado is a small and not particularly conspicuous constellation in thesouthern sky, visible in the evening sky in the months around November.
Its brightest stars are of third magnitude, but it is better known for its richoffering of deep sky objects than for its stars.
The Milky Way’s dwarf satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, fallsmostly within Dorado, with the remainder lying in Mensa. Numerous openstar cluster are visible within this part of the sky, as well as a swarm ofglobular clusters.
Behind the Large Magellanic Cloud, a number of more distant galaxies are alsovisible, including the bright face-on spiral galaxy NGC 1566.
Dorado is among the dozen constellations introduced by Pieter Dirkszoon Keyserand Frederick de Houtman which celebrate rare or exotic animals, and it firstappeared on star maps in 1598. It is usually identified as a goldfish, but hasalso been depicted as a swordfish.
Its name refers to the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), which is known as dorado in Portuguese, although it has also been depicted as a swordfish. Even though the name Dorado is not Latin but Portuguese, astronomers give it the Latin genitive form Doradus when naming its stars.
In the Indian Constellation System, Dorado is called ಮತ್ಸ್ಯ (Matsya)
Dorado contains:
- α-Dor (mag 3.3)
- β-Dor (mag 3.8)
- γ-Dor (mag 4.3)
- δ-Dor (mag 4.3)
- 36-Dor (mag 4.6)
- ζ-Dor (mag 4.7)
- θ-Dor (mag 4.8)
- ν-Dor (mag 5.0)
- η²-Dor (mag 5.0)
- ε-Dor (mag 5.1)
- λ-Dor (mag 5.1)
- WZ Dor (mag 5.2)
- κ-Dor (mag 5.3)
- 28-Dor (mag 5.3)
- π²-Dor (mag 5.4)
- π¹-Dor (mag 5.6)
- η¹-Dor (mag 5.7)
- R Dor (mag 5.7)
- HD 27604 (mag 6.1)
- HD 31746 (mag 6.1)
- HD 36876 (mag 6.2)
- HD 37935 (mag 6.3)
- HD 46730 (mag 6.3)
- HD 37501 (mag 6.3)
- HD 39963 (mag 6.4)
Open Clusters
- NGC 1850 (mag 9.0)
- NGC 2100 (mag 9.6)
- NGC 1910 (mag 9.7)
- NGC 1866 (mag 9.7)
- NGC 2004 (mag 9.8)
- NGC 1818 (mag 9.8)
- NGC 1755 (mag 9.8)
- NGC 1856 (mag 10.1)
- NGC 2157 (mag 10.2)
- NGC 2164 (mag 10.3)
- NGC 2041 (mag 10.4)
- NGC 1916 (mag 10.4)
- NGC 1854 (mag 10.4)
- NGC 1951 (mag 10.6)
- NGC 2136 (mag 10.7)
- NGC 1774 (mag 10.8)
- NGC 1967 (mag 10.8)
- NGC 2002 (mag 10.8)
- NGC 2006 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 1787 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 2214 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 2009 (mag 11.0)
- NGC 1860 (mag 11.0)
- NGC 1913 (mag 11.1)
- NGC 1831 (mag 11.2)
Globular Clusters
- NGC 1786 (mag 10.1)
- NGC 1835 (mag 10.6)
- NGC 1978 (mag 10.7)
- NGC 1783 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 2210 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 1806 (mag 11.1)
- NGC 1846 (mag 11.3)
- NGC 1868 (mag 11.6)
- NGC 1953 (mag 11.7)
- NGC 2154 (mag 11.8)
- NGC 1898 (mag 11.9)
- NGC 2249 (mag 12.2)
- NGC 2108 (mag 12.3)
- NGC 1917 (mag 12.3)
- NGC 1795 (mag 12.4)
- NGC 2155 (mag 12.6)
- NGC 2257 (mag 12.6)
- NGC 2120 (mag 12.7)
- NGC 2162 (mag 12.7)
- NGC 1644 (mag 12.9)
- NGC 2231 (mag 13.2)
- NGC 2193 (mag 13.4)
- NGC 1652
- NGC 1553 (mag 9.4)
- NGC 1672 (mag 9.7)
- NGC 1566 (mag 9.7)
- NGC 1549 (mag 9.8)
- NGC 1617 (mag 10.3)
- NGC 1947 (mag 10.8)
- NGC 1546 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 1533 (mag 10.9)
- NGC 1596 (mag 11.0)
- NGC 1515 (mag 11.0)
- NGC 1809 (mag 12.1)
- NGC 1703 (mag 12.3)
- NGC 1796 (mag 12.5)
- NGC 1688 (mag 12.6)
- NGC 1892 (mag 12.7)
- IC 2082 (mag 12.8)
- NGC 2082 (mag 12.8)
- NGC 2187 (mag 13.2)
- NGC 1824 (mag 13.2)
- NGC 1602 (mag 13.3)
- NGC 1581 (mag 13.4)
- NGC 1556 (mag 13.5)
- NGC 1853 (mag 13.6)
- NGC 1522 (mag 13.8)
- NGC 1578 (mag 13.8)
View Dorado in 3D
Source: Wikipedia,
Image Courtesy: Sky&Telescope & IAU, Illustration Images linked from Urania's Mirror on Wikmedia Commons by Sidney Hall
Image Courtesy: Sky&Telescope & IAU, Illustration Images linked from Urania's Mirror on Wikmedia Commons by Sidney Hall