Introduction to Special Relativity – Relativity Before Einstein by Dr. A.P Bhat

March 11, 2020

When we speak of Astronomy, we speak of the sky and the stars. What we see is light from different objects in the sky, of various wavelength, intensity but all traveling with the same speed. The speed of light! 3 x 10 8 m/s.

While this speed is not attainable by humans yet, what would happen if we traveled at this speed? What if we traveled on a beam of light? Will our observations of the normal world seem normal? These were the very questions that stuck in Einstein’s mind and his thoughts on these ideas led to the beautiful theory of Special Relativity.

But what was relative before Einstein? Was there any theory of relativity before Einstein?

Watch Dr. A.P Bhat teach you Special Relativity on the concepts of relativity and the experiments that existed before Einstein’s theory of relativity in the first episode of our new lecture series on Special Relativity.

Tune in for more videos on the lecture series. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel here.

A big shout out to Deekshith Shetty for Editing and Rendering the video.



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