Like Amateur Astronomy, Philately is another hobby for the passionate. Just as the amateur astronomers stay alert and look out for clear night sky to spot the various stars and constellations each night to add to their recollection, Stamp Collectors stay alert and look out for the rarest of stamps to add to their collection.
Astronomy Day is celebrated across the world twice a year and Stamp Collectors in India celebrate National Philately Day on 13th October each year.
But what is the relation between Astronomy & Philately? you ask….
The Relation
While there is no direct relation, postal departments across the world commemorate events and various subjects by printing them on stamp, individual or in series (collection of stamps on same topic) which is then collected by Stamp collectors across the world.
In India, the postal department is no less. The India Post has time and again, celebrated various events in Astronomy and Space science history, by releasing stamps, First-Day Covers and Cancellations, relating to the theme.
What is a First Day Cover and a Cancellation?
First-Day covers or First Day of Issue cover is an official envelope released along with a stamp, containing graphics and/or information about the theme of the stamp. The covers are marked with the cancellation (pictorial marking) with the date of issue and the city where the stamp was issued.
A postal cancellation is a postal marking that is impressed over the stamp to prevent the reuse of the stamp. Conventionally this is equivalent to a ‘seal’ but is designed to imprint a pictorial marking based on the theme of the stamp issued.
Astronomy through Philately
Here is a collection of Stamps and First Day Covers, PAAC found.

The stamp above, valued at 20 paise, was released in 1969 to commemorate humanity’s triumph in space exploration by setting foot on the Moon.
In the year 1985, when the Halley’s comet approached the Earth, around which, the 29th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held at New Delhi, the above stamp valued at 100 paise ( ₹ 1) was launched. [Note: This was a year before PAAC was created.
The Solar System Series
A set of eight Stamps of ₹ 5.00 denomination each, depicting the eight planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus, was brought out by India Post on 20th March 2018.
In the following year, on 21st June 2019, a series of Post Cards depicting the same planets were also introduced. Below are the images of the post cards with the corresponding stamps affixed.

Click the Images above to see details.
What we cannot observe here, in the scanned copies of the post cards, is that the planets are printed with both matte & gloss finish. The darker regions on the images of the planets are glossy finish prints, giving the cards, a great texture and depth.
First Day Covers
India Post has also launched several first day covers to commemorate various milestones of India’s Space Program.
Here are a few:
Pictured above, is the first day cover to commemorate the launch of India’s first communication satellite – APPLE. What we see here is a cover with the image of APPLE printed onto the cover, affixed with a stamp. The cancellation on the cover is also designed in the APPLE satellite form with the launch date specified.
Another cover by India Post, celebrating a milestone of ISRO, i.e. the completion of 4 decades of operations by ISRO. We see various events / moments imaged on the cover with a cancellation depicting the ISRO logo.
One of the Important Milestones of, not only ISRO, but humanity, as the Mars Orbiter Mission was the first satellite to reach the red planet in its first attempt. The First day cover depicts an illustration of the satellites with the Red Planet in the backdrop, along with the orbital maneuver of the space craft. We also see the cancellation with the MOM depiction dated 16th Jan 2015. The backside of the cover also contains some details about the Mars Orbiter Mission.
Commemorating the service of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, the former president of India who was also a pioneer of solid fuel rockets and the project director of the SLV program at INCOSPAR (now ISRO), as the memorial building was built on his 2nd death anniversary in 2017.
The Chandrayan-3 space program, ISRO’s ambitious project also got its own first day cover dated on the day of landing. However, during the launch of the cover, the space craft had not yet landed on the Moon.
And when the Chandrayan-3 lander successfully landed and deployed the rover on the Moon, another first day cover, acknowledging the success of ISRO and India was released on 1st September 2023. The cancellation is also a celebration of this feat, which reads ‘India ISRO King’, suggesting, India and ISRO are the king of space exploration, as the lander was the first from any country, to land on the lunar south pole.
Shared Passion
Just like an amateur astronomer exercises patience in waiting for the night sky to show itself, and wait for astronomical events to show up in their local skies, Stamp Collectors also wait to complete their collections, gain access to stamps and celebrate various important events and phenomena, among which, Astronomy is One.
PAAC is grateful to Mr. Krishnayya, a renowned philatelist from Udupi, for providing us access to his collection of stamps which are imaged above.
You can read more about his from the links below: