It’s been in the works for long and we finally have our first Podcast for PAAC. Presenting you PAAC Podcasts where we discuss various topics in astronomy, audio guides to the night sky and much more.
Episode One: The Sky This Month : December
With the Great Square of Pegasus at Zenith, listen as Dr. A.P. Bhat describes the night sky around it and see the stars for yourself. The English version is voiced by Atul Bhat.
The audio is designed to guide you through the night sky ideally visible around 7pm each night in December. You can use this guide between 7pm to 8pm this month, however we suggest you do this before the 15th of December to prevent moonlight from obstructing your view.
So get your earphones out, put on the audio here or through the websites and explore the night sky this month.
You can listen to the Audio on Spotify or use the Widget below:
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If you do not have an account on Spotify, don’t worry. You can listen directly through Anchor :
Not every location is ideal, buildings, trees or even clouds obstruct our view and sometimes, we don’t know what to look for. Don’t worry. we understand. Here’s a video on YouTube that guides you through the sky with the above audio:
So get out there, and enjoy the night sky with all the beautiful constellations and stars visible this month. We hope you enjoy this guide to the night sky.