Piscis Austrinus constellationIn 3D
See how Piscis Austrinus constellation looks in space.
Note: Constellations are plotted as they appear from Equinox J2000 coordinates. Align the Sun (Orange dot) close to the center to view the stars like they appear on earth. Constellations with stars close to the Earth like Canis Major are hard to be viewed from Earth perspective due to the limited point of view of the graphing area. However the stars can be explored as they are plotted with the right co-ordinates.
You can see how the Constellation Piscis Austrinus looks : Here
The Sun (Orange Dot) , when aligned to middle, the constellation should look how it appears from Earth. Play a little with the orientation to get a perfect match.a
You can see how the Constellation Piscis Austrinus looks : Here